the very_Theeveningbeforeyourinterview面试准备

更新时间:2015-04-26 来源:党风廉正工作总结 点击:



  The evening before your interview:

  If you want to be at your peak you need a good nights sleep before your interview. A warm bath with aromatherapy oils will help to prepare the mind and body for deep relaxation. I suggest adding four drops of Neroli essential oil, two drops of Bergamot and a tablespoon of almond oil to your bath. You need to try and remain in the bath for at least ten minutes to let the essential oils work their magic.

  Next make a big pot of Rosepetal and Lemonbalm tea – this will lift your spirits and relieve any symptoms of stress and insomnia.

  Before you go to bed sit in a darkened room and do some 7/11 breathing. This is a simple technique for dealing with the sharp, shallow breaths resulting from an agitated mental state. Breathe in slowly and steadily to the count of seven, then breathe out slowly and steadily to the count of eleven. Continue with this rhythm of in-breaths and out-breaths until your breathing becomes more relaxed and regular and the tension subsides.




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