
更新时间:2021-07-21 来源:学校管理公文 点击:


dear sir:

  first of all, thank you for your busy schedule to read my cover letter down, when you open the cover letter personally, i will be reviewing the past efforts; when you finally close the cover letter, and perhaps will the new decision of my life journey.

  my name is ***, a ** to be graduated from the baoji college of arts and science in human resource management students. to take this career, i with a sincere heart and pursuit of the cause, in good faith, recommend their own. i know only a few sentences outlining a complete itself is not easy. i really just want to use the language of the most pure, introduced themselves as comprehensively as possible to your organization's job to express the most sincere desire. sincere desire to be able to join your organization, a building block for your organization tomorrow, but your organization is willing to contribute their youth and wisdom.

  while studying at the school system to study the human resources management professional theoretical knowledge, but also a positive constant, based on solid, professional for the breadth and depth. the use of baoji college of arts and science of the advantages of integrated institutions, usually outside of professional books to read to improve the individual's self-cultivation, to make their own talents to the complex direction. after school hours, to strengthen the physical training, so they have a healthy physical learning and working.

  i know very well that in today's society, apart from the empty theory is not enough, the need to apply the theory to practice, during the school has been actively participating in various activities to improve their ability to work with a strong sense of responsibility, able to bear hardships and stand hard, honest, confident, dedicated. and down-to-earth every effort to do one thing. professional military industrial complex in shaanxi shaanxi electric open practice their theoretical knowledge to learn and practice.

  the past does not mean that the future is the true meaning of hard work, practical work for i believe that i was able to quickly adapt to working environment, familiar with the business, and in practical work, keep on learning and improving themselves, do their jobs.

  " think huai fighting fear, want to get sun on the sky."






2022-08-16 18:22:36  


“你的数学是语文(体育)老师教的吧?”这通常是一句带点嘲讽意味的玩笑话,不过在今天课程整合的背景下,这没什么可奇怪的。  某个周三下午,放学后,我到各班了解班级教育管理情况。在一(2)班,我看到一

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2021-07-09 12:07:26  


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2021-07-09 12:07:26   大连大学正方教务系统