
更新时间:2019-10-22 来源:工作心得体会 点击:



  PsychologistAdam Grant gives some excellent and unconventional advice in a cover story in The New York Times Magazine.He says "the greatest untapped source of motivation" is focusing on how our work contributes to other people, as opposed to the obvious levers of self-interest.心理学家亚当-格兰特在纽约时报的一篇封面报道中提出了几条绝妙而又另类的建议。他说,“关于驱动力最大的未开发资源”就是关注我们的工作如何有益于他人,而不是为明显的个人兴趣所驱使。

  This is coming from the youngest-tenured and best-rated professor at Wharton. According to Google's "people analytics" head Prasad Setty, he's the person the company turns to Grant when "we are thinking about big problems we are trying to solve."格兰特是沃顿最年轻和评分最高的终身教授。谷歌“人类分析”的主管普拉希德-塞提说,格兰特是当“我们费劲想解决某些重大问题”时会去请教的人。

  Helping people isn't the enemy of productivity, it enhances it.帮助他人并不会降低工作效率,反而会提高效率。

  When most people get to work and see an inbox full of 300 unopened emails, they feel exasperated and put upon. The approach Grant takes, and advises, is to frame it differently.当人们去工作时,假如他们看到邮箱里有300多封未读邮件,他们会抓狂并感觉收到了干扰。对此,格兰特建议人们换一个角度来思考。

  You don't get much done when thinking about "answering 300 emails." It's much easier when you think about how it will help the recipient. So each time you send off an email, you feel good about yourself, and the work is of higher quality.你要是总想着“要回复300封邮件”那你就很难做好这件事情了。但要是你想的是你会如何帮助到对方,事情就容易得多了。每当你发送一封邮件,你会感觉很好,而工作也会更高质地完成。

  It works better than putting energy and time into figuring out whom to ignore. Deciding whether or not to help out is often an unnecessary mental lag. Short favors cost little but pay off in the long run.这比花精力和时间去考虑忽略谁好得多了。决定是否帮助别人通常是一种不必要的精神负担。对别人提供的小小帮助并不会花费你很多时间精力,但从长期来看却会给你带来回报。

  Even a basic reminder of how an activity helps other vastly improves performance.即使是想想自己给别人帮了什么忙,这样的想法也能明显地提高绩效。





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