
更新时间:2018-07-09 来源:英语演讲稿 点击:



  A lot of what goes on in business today is challenging. Many people in most organizations deal with challenges all the time.当今商业运作的很多部分都是充满挑战的。许多人在公司里每天都要处理各种各样的挑战。

  We are caught in a web of technology they can barely live with and can’t live without. In 24/7 globalism, people stretch their skills across geographies and time zones. Human biology is not built for constant high alert. We are built for cycles of sprint and pause, quick growth and slow ripening. Stress causes our bodies to produce deadly chemicals. Constant tension, worry, frustration, suppressed rage, inadequate exercise, stale or polluted air, and insufficient sleep add up to migraine headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure, ulcers and heart attacks.我们深陷于一张技术之网,我们不一定能靠技术存活,但没有技术却万万活不下去。在这个24小时全面全球化的时代,世界各地的人们跨越时间和空间的限制伸展着他们的技能。然而,人类的身体并不能承受连续的高度紧张状态,我们能承受的只是冲刺和停顿、快速发展和缓慢成熟之间的一种循环。压力会让我们的身体释放致命的化学元素。连续的压力、紧张、挫折、压抑怒火、缺乏锻炼、被污染的不新鲜的空气以及缺乏睡眠都提高了患上偏头痛、失眠症、高血压、溃疡和心脏病的几率。

  Support yourself and build the stamina needed for your work.你要怎样支撑自己,为工作储备好需要的体能呢?

  Rest deeply. Get enough sleep.好好休息。保持充足的睡眠。

  Refresh. During time off, focus on activities which refresh and restore—time with family and friends, travel, singing, eating together, painting, reading or watching movies, meditation.好好恢复。在空闲时间,专注于那些能帮助你恢复精神的活动。——和家人朋友待在一起、旅行、唱歌、吃饭、画画、看书、看电影或是冥想。

  Eat healthy. Watch out for addictions such as alcohol and tobacco, as well as overeating or sugar binges and the many other things that people use to numb out in busy times.健康饮食。注意提防酒精上瘾或吸烟上瘾,同时也要防止暴饮暴食或是摄入太多糖分以及所有那些人们在忙碌工作时用来麻痹自己的东西。

  Get physical. Move your body in sports, exercise, dance and the like. Build strength, flexibility and stamina.经常锻炼。经常做做运动、锻炼、跳舞之类的。建立起力量、柔韧性和体能。

  Be aware of your emotional well-being. Talk with close friends and family, a counselor or a coach about what is going on. Release painful emotion. Act on clear thinking rather than painful emotion.注意心理健康。经常和亲近的朋友、家人、心理顾问或是心理教练聊聊最近发生了什么。释放那些痛苦的情绪,致力于清晰的思考而不是悲伤的情绪。

  Make time for spirituality. Be in touch with the larger world around you. Whether listening to music, being in nature, watching dance or taking part in organized religion.过优质的精神生活。经常和你身边更大的世界保持联系。不论是听音乐、去感受大自然、看舞蹈表演或是参加一个有组织的宗教。

  Take care of relationship well-being. Build strong connections with other people. Share thinking in intelligent discussion with others. Learn what others are thinking and doing.经营好人际关系。和其他人建立稳固的关系。与他们聊深刻的话题时分享你的想法,同时了解其他人在想什么,做什么。

  If any part of this seems difficult, ask, “What gets in the way of taking care of myself?”如果这其中的任何一项看起来很难,你就问问自己“是什么阻碍了我照顾好自己呢?”





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