
更新时间:2017-04-30 来源:学生个人工作总结 点击:




















  twenty→twentieth, forty→fortieth, ninety→ninetieth


  twenty-first,two hundred and forty-fifth


  In 1980, David read in Arlington business school. So a little money for his college life mainly by parents sent to maintain monthly. I do not know how the home two months did not send money to david. Only one coin David cloth pocket, he walked to a telephone booth, put money into it. "Hello, hello." The call is connected, thousands of miles away David mother spoke. David a tearful, said: "Mom, I have no money, I'm starving." David's mother said: "my dear child, mother know."

  David feeling bad, hurriedly asked: "Mom, what is the matter at home?" David's mother said: "yes, son, your father is seriously ill, already 5 months, not only spent all their savings, but also due to illness caused no work, the only source of broken home. Therefore, these two months did not give you the money. Mom doesn't want to tell you, but you should be self-supporting." David's mother said, crying. The phone, David straight away tears.

  The cruel reality of the David stun. Is there a month, this semester, if can have 10 yuan 8 yuan money, David can get through the summer, then the use of two months of vacation money. Now 1 cents is not, must be dropped out. David very hard, because of his great achievement, and he is very love Arlington business school learning life.

  After hanging up the phone, the public telephone came a noise, David surprised many coins from the slot. David was very happy, reach out to accept the money. How to deal with the money?

  David consider considering, that should not. Then David put one coin into a public phone, dialed telephone service company.

  The waitress said: "the money belongs to the phone company, so we must put them back."

  Hang up the phone after, David put the coin back investment, over and over again to the coin back, public telephone is again and again to the spit them out.

  David gave service to call Miss, Miss services said: "I'll get the manager now." The lonely and helpless David on the phone with a desolate, to the end of the phone service that miss a good stranger in need of help.

  In a moment, miss the service telephone call back to the Department of a public phone wrong.

  She said to David, "the boss said this money to you, because we are understaffed, don't want to go for a few dollars specially sent for."

  "Ah!" David jumped with joy. David crouches to hard count, a total of 9 dollars and 50 cents. The money is enough to support David summer jobs first paycheck.

  It was summer vacation, and David had a job to clean up the department store. He talked with the boss the idea of public telephone and find their own work, the boss told David can come to work any time, because David is an honest man, especially a cautious, clean up the warehouse of absolute trust.

  David worked very hard, and the boss liked him, and he felt pity for him. The boss gave David double wages. After the pay, David sent the money to his mother, who had been given the news that he had won a scholarship for the next term.

  A year later, David successfully completed their studies. After graduation, David opened a company, the first year of David, earning $100 thousand in profits. David always did not forget about the pay phone, he wrote to the phone company: "let me forget the whole thing is that your company's $50 $9 for the accident. This one act of kindness, let me avoid being out of school youth, to the extreme poverty, also give me infinite power, encourage me not forget for a moment and hard work. Now I have money, I want to give you 10 thousand dollars, a small token of my mind."

  The phone company boss Bill immediately reply to a letter of ebullience letter: "congratulations on your success and prosperity. We think that money is the most worthy of our spending. This did not mean 9 dollars 50 cents in exchange for $1 million, but said the money let a person know such a life good motto: in the most difficult time, don't forget hope in the eyes; don't forget to adhere to the integrity of the character. "

  20 years have passed, what about David?

  In Chicago City, the United States, there is a luxury building, its shape is like a public telephone booth, which is the ADDC company's office building. Pioneer, ADDC's current president is David, he is also one of the largest donors Philip charitable foundation.











2023-10-23 23:16:31  


工作总结(JobSummary WorkSummary),以年终总结、半年总结和季度总结最为常见和多用。就其内容而言,工作总结就是把一个时间段的工作进行一次全面系统的总检查、总评价、总分析、总研究,并分析成绩的不足,从而得出引以为戒的经验。以下是为大家整理的大学生个人工作总结优秀(合集7篇),欢迎品

2023-09-12 23:29:31  


工作总结(JobSummary WorkSummary),以年终总结、半年总结和季度总结最为常见和多用。就其内容而言,工作总结就是把一个时间段的工作进行一次全面系统的总检查、总评价、总分析、总研究,并分析成绩的不足,从而得出引以为戒的经验。以下是小编整理的大学生个人工作总结优秀集合6篇,欢迎阅读与收

2023-09-08 11:07:29  


【热】大学生个人工作总结怎么写(精选5篇)。 什么样的总结比较全面呢。时间总是在忙碌中过得很快,这段工作经历让我学到了不少。在新阶段到来之前,让我们先好好总结这段时间的工作吧,做好工作总结可以帮助我们

2023-03-29 23:25:46  


工作总结之家推荐更多专题:“大学生个人工作总结”。 绝大多数人在写个人工作总结的时候,不知道如何下笔,有几篇可以被我们学习借鉴的文章就可以完全不一样,那么,个人工作总结有哪些可以参考的格式,还有哪里是需要我们优先考虑的呢。以下是小编整理的大学生个人工作总结简短【5篇】,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

2022-12-22 13:46:28