
更新时间:2019-08-22 来源:工作心得体会 点击:




  1. Just Breathe呼吸,呼吸

  Though your first instinct might be to open your mouth and snap back or just scream-close it and breathe instead. You've heard it before, right? Just count to 10. But there's a point there: "While it may not remove the stressor, it buys you time to step back, put things in perspective, and bite your tongue before you say something you might regret."你的第一反应可能是张嘴反驳,或者张嘴尖叫,但是,闭上嘴,呼吸。你可能听过这种说法,数十下。这里需要注意的是,“这种方法可能不能让你释然,但是可以为你赢得时间,以免你说出一些会让你后悔的话。”

  2. Write It Out把情绪写下来

  Sometimes, finding that emotional release can be as simple as getting your feelings into words. So grab a pen and some paper and ink out your thoughts-just keep them to yourself. "Don't put anything in writing [to someone else] when you've been provoked. “Your best bet: once you've exorcised your demons, shred (or permanently ) the evidence.有时候,发泄情绪的简单方法就是把它写下来。所以,赶紧抓起一支笔,一些纸,把你的想法一股脑地写下来。但记住,“不要把你在盛怒下写下来的东西给任何人看”。最好的做法是,一旦你发泄完了,就把证据销毁了。

  3. Vent to a Trusted Colleague找一个信得过的同事发泄

  Most of us have at least one close ally at work, someone we can confide in about everything job-related. So next time your boss really gets under your skin, a brief venting session with this trusted comrade can help put things back in perspective. Just be sure to do it out of earshot of anyone else-a nearby Starbucks may be a safer bet than your cube. And be sure to offer the same safe confidence next time your partner-in-crime is feeling spent, too.大多数人都会有一个和你在同一阵营的好同事,他们会替我们保守秘密。如果下次你再被老板惹毛了,你就找这个可以信赖的同事去宣泄一下你的情绪,这样有助于你重新回到正常的轨道上来。但是,注意隔墙有耳,与其在你的格子间里说,不如到附近找个星巴克去说,这样要来得安全得多。记住,下次如果你的伙伴也遇到问题,需要发泄的时候,你也要回报他们。

  4. Get a Little Love获得一点点爱

  Sometimes, what you really need is a hug. Good friends or significant others can be the perfect source for support in difficult situations. If you can sneak in a quick text or call and hear a familiar voice for a few minutes, it may be just enough to talk you off the ledge. Even if your loved ones can't offer the same inside perspective as a work comrade can, the personal boost can go a long way in cheering you up or reminding you that there is more to life than the current predicament.有时候,你需要的就是一个拥抱而已。好朋友或者是对你来说很重要的人是你在遇到困难时去寻求帮助的最好对象。如果你可以悄悄地发条短信,或者打个电话给这些人,听到他们熟悉的声音,很有可能你就会释然了。即使你所爱的人没有办法提供给你同事般的意见,他们的鼓励也可以使你振作起来,并提醒你,除了现在这种窘况之外,自己生活中还有很多事要去做。

  5. Find Your Happy Place去你的“欢乐谷”

  Taking a few minutes to peruse a favorite website can give you a great mental escape. So if you need to calm down after a particularly anger-inducing morning, check out the latest Anthropologie sale, or get in a couple rounds of Angry Birds at lunch. Taking that short break to distract yourself or focus on something that makes you happy can ease your stress and help you to return to work in a better mood.花几分钟的时间去你最喜欢的网站上,仔细地阅读,这么做会在精神上给自己一个出口。所以,下次如果你受了一个早上的气之后需要冷静下来,那就去Anthropologie(美国零售业先锋品牌)的网站上看看有没有特卖,或者在午饭时打几圈愤怒的小鸟来发泄一下。稍微放松一下可以分散你的注意力,关注那些可以让你高兴的事就能减少压力,帮助你更好地回到工作中去。

  6. Take a Break休息一下

  If things are really intense-say, you've just been passed up for a promotion by the colleague who took credit for your great idea-one of the best solutions can be to remove yourself (at least temporarily) from the situation. Take your lunch, go grab coffee, or just walk outside a bit-leaving your phone and email behind. Getting out from the confines of those four walls can provide you the physical and mental distance you need to blow off some steam and relax.如果事情实在糟糕,比方说你的一个同事由于剽窃了你的创意而让你错失了升职的机会,这个时候,你最好抽身出来,即使是暂时的也好。去吃个午餐,喝杯咖啡,或者就是到外面去走走,把电话和邮件都抛在脑后。从四面墙围起来的空间中走出来,可以给你的身心一个距离,去释放,去放松。





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