
更新时间:2019-10-20 来源:工作心得体会 点击:



  If you spend the day surreptitiously trawling Facebook and Twitter while trying to convince the boss you are hard at work, then such clandestine behaviour could soon be a thing of the past.如果你成天花大把大把的时间逛社交网站玩微博,同时又想向老板证明你是个扎实能干情分上进的员工,那么你这样偷偷摸摸的行为很快就会成为过去了。

  Wasting time on the Internet might actually be beneficial to the work environment, according to a study.据一项最新调查显示,花时间泡在互联网上事实上是有利于工作环境的。

  Scientists at the University of Copenhagen divided a selection of workers into two groups. Both were instructed to watch a video of people passing a ball back and forth.哥本哈根大学的科学家们将员工们分成两组,分别让其观看一段视频,视频中有人来回的传球。

  Each group was then asked if they could remember how many times the ball had been passed.之后,询问两组受测者是否还记得传球的次数。


  One group was allowed to watch a funny clip online beforehand, while members of the other team had to go straight to work - while listening to the laughter of their peers in the other room.其中一组人员在这此前先看到了一段在线的滑稽视频,而另一组人员则径直的开始接受测试,并且一边还能听到另一组人看滑稽视频时发出的笑声。

  The research found workers who had watched the funny clip made fewer mistakes when asked to focus on the task than the group that wasn't allowed to slack off for a few minutes.研究发现,先看过一段滑稽录像的员工数球数的准确率更高,另一组没有视频小插曲的结果则并不太好。

  The study isn't conclusive and critics suggest that the first group may have been distracted by the laughter of their colleagues.这项研究并没有排除这组人员可能是因为别组发出的笑声而分心的可能性。

  The idea behind the Danish study is that people have a finite amount of willpower when it comes to amusing distractions like the internet.此项试验的目的是说明人们对于类似于互联网这样的有趣的干扰是具有一定的意志力的。

  The research concluded that if you ban workers from using the Internet freely then eventually they become less focused, motivated and effective.得出的结论是,如果禁止员工自由的使用互联网,最总会使其的注意力减弱,同时工作效率也会降低。

  Some studies have suggested that companies could increase productivity by giving employees 'internet breaks', during which they're free to do whatever they like.有研究称,公司如果能给员工适当的机会上上网,随心所欲的做自己想做的事情,这将有助于提高整体的生产效率。

  It's not too outlandish an idea - Google employees have long enjoyed '20 per cent time' where they are allowed to do as they please for a fifth of the working day.其实,这并非是个稀奇古怪的想法,谷歌的员工们一直以来都有一项成为“20%时间”福利,他们可以自由支配自己工时中五分之一的时间,做任何喜欢做的事。





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