
更新时间:2021-07-22 来源:学校管理公文 点击:


dear leaders:
thank you for taking the time to read me the cover letter, thank you for giving me an opportunity and challenge to success.
my name is xxx, xxx people from fujian province, xxx university, department of tourism and culture school of tourism management graduates in XX. in college life, the systematic study of the tourism management expertise, and actively participated in the hotel internship, work and formal professional learning, so i initially had a manager with the quality and professional skills. in the study of the specialized courses, while also learning the culture, understand the corporate culture of an enterprise is very important. i work hard in school to learn computer by the computer 2, the application of basic computer proficiency. can also be skilled in some english dialogue. also strive to learn the hotel professional managers, and through professional managers certificate.
i was in july XX in kunming xxx hotel (formerly the xxx hotel) for a six-month period of practical work, learned that as a good manager should have good quality and skilled professional skills. internship in the hotel, food and beverage department and in the lobby do not learn some professional skills in different sectors, the company also learned that although there are different for each department, but it is inseparable whole. therefore, mutual understanding should be at work, for themselves and for all, working to create a pleasant and harmonious working environment, in order to profitability! this is my experience during the internship.
i hope i urgently want to get into the heart of your company will receive a response in the future will be dedicated, will be fulfill the expectations! sincere thanks!
finally, once again thank you for reading this letter and look forward to your early reply, and wish your company thrive!





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网站名称:武汉工商学院教务管理系统网站网址:http: 219 140 173 211 武汉工商学院教务管理系统 武汉工商学院教务管理系统(http: www wtbu cn )由武汉工商学

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网站名称:大连大学教务管理系统网站网址:http: 202 199 155 1 大连大学教务管理系统 大连大学教务管理系统(http: www dlu edu cn )由大连大学教务处主办,

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