
更新时间:2020-09-13 来源:工作心得体会 点击:


  An occupation may be a great fit for you based on what you learned about your personality type, interests, skills and values after doing a self-assessment. From your research about the nature of the work, you think it is something you would enjoy doing. You have even found out how much training you will need and are ready to get started. Now here's one more question: Will you be able to build a career in this field? 自我评估后,基于自己的人格类型、兴趣、技能和价值,你可以找到适合自己的职业。通过对工作性质的研究,你会明白自己喜不喜欢做这个工作,还知道需要多少的训练后,方能准备开始做这个工作。现在我再问一个问题:你能在这个领域干出一番事业吗?

  Looking at labor market information will help you answer that. 看看劳工市场信息,你或许会得到答案。

  What Is Labor Market Information? 劳工市场信息是什么?Data about employment by location and occupation, labor supply and demand, earnings, unemployment and demographics of the labor force make up what is known as labor market information. In the United States the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) collects and analyzes statistical data about the labor market in this country. This independent agency disseminates that information to the Congress, other federal agencies, state and local governments and the public. Many countries throughout the world have agencies similar to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. 劳工市场信息是由工作地点,职业,劳动力供求状况,收入,失业人数和劳动力人口统计所构成的就业数据。在美国,劳工统计局收集和分析本国劳动力市场的统计数据。该独立机构把信息传播给国会、其他联邦机构、州政府和地方政府以及公众。世界上许多国家都拥有类似美国劳工统计局这样的机构。

  If you are in the exploration phase of the career planning process, labor market information is a valuable resource. You can use it to find answers to many questions, including: 如果你正处于职业规划的摸索阶段,劳工市场信息就是个宝贵资源。你可以从中找到许多问题的答案,比如:Which industries employ people in this occupation? 这个工作哪个行业雇人?Where will I be able to find a job? 我在哪儿能找到工作?Will there be opportunities in the field I am considering after I complete required training or education? 在完成所需的培训或训练后,我还有机会进入我想进的那个领域吗?How much will I earn? 我能赚多少钱?1.Employment, Earnings and Industries 1.工作、收入和行业How many people are employed in the occupation you're interested in? Is it a fairly large field or a pretty small one? You can use the US Bureau of Labor Statistic's National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates to find this information for approximately 800 occupations. 你感兴趣的这个职位要雇多少人?这个领域是相当大的还是十分小?你可以进入美国劳工统计局的全国职业与工资评估,能找到大约800种工作。This is also the resource you will use to see what industries employ people in this occupation. How about earnings? You can find that here too. 你也可以利用这一资源来看看什么行业的这个职位在招人。至于收入,你同样能在这看到。

  To use the National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, select the major occupational group that contains the occupation about which you are interested in learning. Then choose the occupation. For example, if you want to see information about computer programmers, select "Computer and Mathematical Occupations" and then "Computer Programmers." You will arrive at a page that displays a table containing employment estimates and mean hourly and annual wage estimates for this occupation. You will also see the percentile wage estimates, including the median, 10th, 25th, 75th and 90th percentiles. Percentile wage estimates give you an accurate look at the range of earnings in an occupation. 利用全国职业与工资评估,你能够挑选出主要的职业类别,这里面就包括了你感兴趣的那个职位。然后你就选择这个职位。例如,要是你想看有关电脑程序员的信息,选择“计算机和数学职业”,然后选择“电脑程序员”。这时你会看到一个页面,上面显示的表格包括了职业评估、平均每小时的工资评估和年度工资评估。你也能看到百分位数工资评估,其中显示了中位数、第10、第25、第75和第90的百分位数。百分位数工资评估能让你准确看出这一职位的收入范围。

  This resource also presents information about employment by industry. You can see which industries have the highest levels of employment, the highest concentration of employment and the highest wages for an occupation. 全国职业与工资评估里还呈现了行业雇佣的信息。从中你能看到哪个行业有最高的就业率,最高的就业集中度以及哪个职业的薪资最高。2.Location, Location, Location 2.地点,地点,地点Are you are willing to relocate for your career? If so, it may not matter to you. If you, however, want to work in a particular location, or if you would like to avoid one, you need to find out where you have the best chance of finding a job in your occupation. There's no point, for example, of training to become a ski instructor if you are set on living nowhere other than South Florida. 你愿意为了你的职业搬家吗?如果你愿意,那么就没多大关系。但是,如果你想在一个特定的地点工作,或是想避开某人,你需要发现哪里才最有机会找到本专业的工作。比如,如果你一心想住在南弗罗里达州,那么培训成为一个滑雪教练是没有多大意义的。The aforementioned National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates includes data on which states and which metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas have the highest levels of employment for an occupation. Just follow the instructions given above. Tables that contain this information, as well as ones that tell you which states, metro areas and non-metro areas have the highest wages, can be found for each occupation. 前面提到的全国职业与工资评估包含了各州、大都市区和非大都市地区某个职位就业率的数据。你只要按照上面的指示操作即可。每个职位都能从表格和评估数据里找到,其中表格包含了职业信息,评估数据能告诉你这个职位在哪个州、大都市区和非大都市地区的薪资最高。3.What Does the Future Hold in Store? 3.未来将要发生什么?The BLS makes predictions about the US labor market that compares a base year to a target year that is 10 years later. This can be extremely helpful as you plan your career. You will want to know your chances of finding a job after you go to school or undergo other training. After all, you really want to prepare for an occupation if opportunities are going to be scarce. Keep in mind the BLS does not account for recessions or other economic anomalies. The agency generally publishes employment projections every other year. 美国劳工统计局对劳工市场做出预测,把基准年比作10年后的目标年。该预测对你的职业规划是极有帮助的。在去了学校或接受了其他培训后,你会想要知道找工作的机会。毕竟,若是机会越来越少,你真的得为工作做准备了。牢记,劳工统计局并不解释经济衰退和其他经济异常的原因。该机构只每两年公布就业情况。One way to access the BLS's employment projections is through the Selected Occupations Data tool. This database gives you the option of searching by occupation or by education or training category. Use the latter if you want to narrow down your choices to only occupations that require a certain amount of preparation. Regardless of how you search, the output will include the following: 劳工统计局的就业规划就是通过职业数据挑选工具获得的。这个数据库提供你职位、教育状况或培训类别的搜索选项。但不管你怎么搜索,都会输出以下内容:Total Employment in Base Year and Target Year 基准年和目标年的就业总人数Employment Change Between Base Year and Target Year 在基准年和目标年间的就业人数变化Percentage of Workers in This Occupation Who Are Self-Employed 该职业个体经营者的百分比Job Openings in Target Year Due to Growth and Replacement Needs 由于增长和更换需求造成的目标年职位空缺Median Annual Wages 平均年薪Most Significant Source of Post-Secondary Education or Training 中学后教育或培训的最重要来源The BLS also publishes lists of the fastest growing jobs, fastest growing industries and the occupations the agency predicts will add the most jobs between the base year and target year. This information is informative, but choosing an occupation solely because it is expected to experience rapid growth is a bad idea. 美国劳工统计局也公布了需求增长最快的职位,发展最快的行业,以及预测在基准年和目标年将增加很多岗位的职业。这些信息很详实,但选择职业时仅仅因为预计其会快速发展,这是很愚蠢的。If geography is an important factor for you, you should also investigate what the future opportunities will be where you plan to live. The BLS does not make employment projections on a state or local level. Individual state agencies make those predictions which are conveniently gathered on the website Projections Central: State Occupational Projections. 如果地理位置对你很重要,你还应该查明未来的机会是什么,计划住在哪里。劳工统计局不会根据州级别或地方级别来做就业规划。个别国家机构做出的那些规划通常被收集在规划中心网站上:国家职业规划。The US Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes two consumer-oriented resources that present labor statistics in a very user-friendly format. They are the Occupational Outlook Handbook and the Career Guide to Industries. While these publications don't cover all the occupations followed by BLS, they are extremely valuable and contain a wealth of information. 美国劳工统计局公布了两个面向消费者的资源,且以友好的界面格式显示了劳工统计数据,分别是职业远景手册和产业职涯导览。这两本出版书籍虽然没有覆盖到劳工统计局提及的所有职业,但是极其宝贵,内容非常丰富。





4.不胜枚举 求职会遇到的各种就业岐视












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