
更新时间:2015-03-28 来源:党风廉正工作总结 点击:



  What to Emphasize in an Interview?

  Interview is the most critical moment in getting a job. Some people argue that it is important to show one s educational background and academic performance during an interview; others argue that one s social experiences and practical competence should be more focused on.

  Personally, I incline to agreeing with the latter. The reason why a company chooses an employee is not that he has high marks, but that he will bring practical help to the company. High marks in examinations are nothing but theoretical knowledge and cannot prove one s real value to a company. Yet utility value is what a company most concerns while choosing employees.

  So during an interview, one should show his practical ability as much as possible so as to convince the interviewer of his value to the company.




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